Saturday, September 6, 2008

First trip to the Utah State Fair

Since Danny has been gone to Nigeria for the last 5 weeks we have had some fun of our own. I took TD and TM to the Utah State fair with Grandmum and Papa. Auntie Amanda and her fiance Jeff came too. TD loved seeing the animals from a distance. When we saw the cows he said, "booooo". He hasn't quite figured out "Boo" versus "Moo" yet but close enough. And when we saw the horses he clicked his tongue to mimic a horse galloping.

He also got to try on a cowboy hat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so excited to know that you are keeping a blog with pictures! Now I can find out what you are all doing. I love this! Keep them coming!

Love, Grandma Helen

TD and TM best of friends

TD and TM best of friends
Now that TM has been around for a while now TD has taken more of an interest in his baby brother. At first TD didn't pay much attention to the new member of the family but now it is nonstop kisses and pats on the head and on the face. Unfortuately they tend to be harder then they should be! TD is 15 months old and TM is 7 weeks old in this picture.